Expanding universe and Dark energy

Creation of the universe in the Qur'an Part 6 


In 1912 Scientist Vesto Slipher discovered that light from distant galaxies undergoes a redshift. In 1922 Alexander Friedman, formulated a theory that the universe was expanding, governed by a set of equations he developed now known as the Friedmann equations. The same theory was stated by the scientist George Lemaitre in 1927 from some other observations. Two years later, in 1929, scientist Edwin P Hubble confirmed this theory, that the universe is expanding by astronomical observations. Today, through numerous observations, the scientific community have unequivocally accepted the fact that the universe is expanding.

The 'universe is expanding' means that the space itself is expanding. For example, the universe is expanding like an inflating balloon. As the balloon expands, the galaxies move away from each other, just as the two adjacent points on the balloon move away. The fact that why the universe is expanding is still a big mystery in the scientific world. A mysterious energy, is expanding the universe at very high acceleration. The scientific community calls this mysterious force as Dark Energy. Where does this dark energy come from? Even today, the scientific community has no idea what it's source is ! 

Naturally we expect the galaxies will come closer by time as a result of gravity, but what actually happening is the opposite thing. The galaxies are all moving away from each other. A mysterious force known as the Dark Energy continues to expand the universe. 
The Holy Qur'an says in verse 47 of surah 51

وٱلسمآء بنينها بأييد وإنا لموسعون
And We created the heaven with power. We are expanding it
(Surat: 51, Verse: 47)

In this verse Allah states that Allah created this universe by His power. Allah Himself expands the universe by His power. We can understand two things from this verse.

1. The superpower behind the creation of the universe, or the superpower behind the Big Bang is the power of Allah. 
2. The energy which expands the universe ; What the scientific world calls dark energy is nothing but divine power from Allah. 

How could an illiterate prophet who lived among the uncivilized Arab tribes 1400 years ago will have the knowledge that the universe is expanding? This verse bears witness to the fact that the Qur'an is nothing but the words of Allah, the Creator of the universe. 

What the scientific world has learned today is that the maximum amount of matter and energy that we can understand and know through experimental observations is just less than 5%. The billions of galaxies, stars, planets, and all kinds of energy we know about are just less than 5%.

70% of the universe is dark energy. 25% of the universe is dark matter. The fact is that we know nothing about these forces, which control more than 95% of the universe except that we know that there are such mysterious forces.
